Who we are

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Here at St Mary’s we are a diverse and friendly Anglican community in the heart of Watford. Our main building has been used as a place of Christian worship for over 800 years! But we are not a building we are a community who come together as one family from all over the world united in the love God has for us.

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What we believe

We believe that God is love and that this God is the creator of the universe. This is not some distant and absent God but a God who loves each of us individually and desires a unique personal relationship with everyone. We believe that in Jesus we see the face of God and that through him we are brought into relationship and understanding with God. In Jesus we find that God is a God of compassion, mercy and forgiveness, a God of humility and a God of justice. It is this God whom we seek and it is this God whose love inspires us through the Spirit to be Jesus’s hands and feet in this world. We know we are wounded but in Jesus’s wounded hands we see hope. We know we are broken but in Jesus’s broken feet we see power. We know we are scarred but in Jesus’s scarred body we see beauty.

Our Vision

To model the love, forgiveness and reconciliation that we see in Jesus

To be a place of welcome for everyone regardless of their status, wealth, gender, race, sexuality or religion

To share the good news of God’s love with the people of Watford and beyond

To be a place of encounter with God